As a leader, you have to interact with all of your team members, including the ones that you don’t particularly enjoy talking to. Dealing with negative and complaining employees is one of the top frustrations that leaders face. You’ll always have at least one negative team member.

How do you deal with the negativity without letting it drag you down as the leader?

We decided to reach out to experts, top leaders and managers for their advice regarding dealing with negativity in your team and in the organisation in general.

  • Please share your expertise and examples that worked in your team when you had to address negativity?
  • What changes did you make in your team culture to help overcome negative attitudes or negative mindsets?

Contribute to the panel, fill your answer in the form below. We will be running this panel until the 15th of March.

When published this Expert Panel with be shared with our 100k readership, we will promote it on our social media channels and via email newsletter.

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