content marketing

The ultimate guide to content marketing for coaches and consultants: Marketing Strategies part I

Introduction to series

Content marketing can be a powerful tool in your arsenal if you’re a coach or consultant looking to attract and retain clients. By creating and promoting valuable content, you can position yourself as an expert in your field, build trust with your audience, and drive profitable customer action. However, getting started with content marketing can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the field. That’s why we’ve put together this blog series to help you get started with content marketing and take your business to the next level. Over the course of this series, we’ll cover a range of topics, including identifying your target audience, choosing the suitable content format, developing a content strategy, promoting your content, and measuring your results. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something here for everyone. So, buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of content marketing for coaches and consultants.

This article series will discuss marketing strategies for content marketing, which is defined as creating and promoting valuable content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. The series will provide you with insights on how to focus on specific topics that provide value to the audience, such as careers, health, money, relationships, or survival. 

Before we dive into our strategies, for those who are new, let me pull out the definition of content marketing.

«Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating, distributing, and promoting valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.»


Sitting down and pulling together ideas, words, images, and videos into articles, blogs, or posts that people will enjoy is often tricky, especially for first-timers (I found it very difficult initially to get my “thought flow”). 

Think of it as sharing valuable, insightful, and inspirational content or giving good, fact-based advice to a close friend, thus creating impact and transformation in people’s lives through that message. 

If you’re thinking about writing on any general topic, heed the warning—it will be challenging because you can end up writing endlessly. You get overloaded with ideas and lost in the never-ending jumble of information and connections topics make. The content is fantastic, but too much going on-and-on about the same thing, which is not good. Get clear about the exact problem! 

Make sure your content always comes back to value for the client. Make it worth their while reading your content.

In case you’re just starting, or you’re struggling with choosing what to write about, significant value for clients includes areas such as:

  • Careers, work, leadership.
  • Health, wellness.
  • Money, finances, and security.
  • Relationships, dating, love.
  • Survival, meaning, fulfilment.

Whichever area you practice or choose to practice in, remember that consistency is the gateway to successful content marketing.

Your Offer

Determine The Offer You Plan to Drive Traffic to and Sell.  

Think about what offer you want to interact with your clients. Are you looking to:

  • Enrol 1-on-1 clients. 
  • Give a paid online course broken down into multiple series.
  • Host a group coaching program.

Choosing an offer to focus on is crucial because it will affect your calls to action (CTA; more on that later) and what your content will be leading up to. It sets the tone for the entire structure.

Once you know which offer you’re focusing on driving traffic to, you can work backwards and develop content topics and themes that relate to your offer. 

The idea behind this is to start planting that thought of your upcoming offer in potential clients’ minds and positioning yourself as your audience’s coach. Your content and education will become the bridge between their fears. And whatever you have is the solution to their problems. So, by the time they’re ready to act, they know whom to turn to.


Choose an offer to focus on, such as enrolling clients or hosting a coaching program and developing content topics and themes related to the offer. The goal is to plant the idea of the upcoming offer in potential clients’ minds and position oneself as their coach, with the content serving as the bridge between their fears and the solution to their problems.